Saturday, August 25, 2007

Apple IPhone

So A Few Days Ago I logged onto the internet and I Came across an intresting video!
Now Almost every one has Heard about the apple I phone Wich sounds Amazing becuse it has everything you could want in a phone and more!Now This Video was of a Woman Opening her I Phone Bill wich Consted of Over 300 Pages! Crazzy as it seems it is quite true and personaly I have way to many things to say about IPhone Such as its is a waste of Money becuse It Cost Ove a Thousand Dolars For a Phone!That Monney could have been spent some other way other then some stupid phone! Yeah its cool but I am not sure many people are going to be able to aford anytime soon!


RevHRod said...

Dude! I keep wondering what you're doing upstairs. I know you and Chatterbox are talking all the time. But then I read this blog and darn if you aren't just coming up with good stuff. XO

RevHRod said...

The Bug Man says you should write something about your vanilla card.